REM Lines starting with "REM" are ignored. Blank lines are ignored. REM This file links the beacon symbol characters to the symbols in REM SYMBOLS.BMP and SYMBOLS2.BMP. REM If you want you can make your own symbol set, and make them a REM different size to the defaults. PLEASE NOTE - make sure that REM SYMBOLS.BMP and SYMBOLS2.BMP are saved as 256 colour bitmaps. REM The next line is the symbol cell width in SYMBOLS.BMP in pixels. REM Note that UI-View assumes a divider of one pixel between each cell REM and a border of one pixel around the BMP. 20 REM The next line is the symbol cell height in SYMBOLS.BMP in pixels. 20 REM The next line is the number of symbols in a row in SYMBOLS.BMP. REM The index of the top left symbol is 0, then the index increments REM left to right and top to bottom. 16 REM The remaining lines consist of comma delimited fields:- REM The symbol character as transmitted in the beacon. REM The APRS GPSxyz equivalent for this symbol. (Primary table.) REM The index of the symbol in SYMBOLS.BMP. (Primary table.) REM The description for the symbol, up to 10 characters. (Primary table). REM The APRS GPSxyz equivalent for this symbol. (Alternate table.) REM The index of the symbol in SYMBOLS2.BMP. (Alternate table.) REM The description for the symbol, up to 10 characters. (Alternate table). REM Primary Table Alternate Table REM Symbol GPSxyz Index Description GPSxyz Index Description REM ------ ------ ----- ----------- ------ ----- ----------- !, BB, 0, Police Stn, OB, 0, Emergency ", BC, 1, No Symbol, OC, 1, No Symbol #, BD, 2, Digi, OD, 2, No. Digi $, BE, 3, Phone, OE, 3, Bank %, BF, 4, DX Cluster, OF, 4, No Symbol &, BG, 5, HF Gateway, OG, 5, No. Diam'd ', BH, 6, Plane sm, OH, 6, Crash site (, BI, 7, Cloudy, OI, 7, Cloudy ), BJ, 8, No Symbol, OJ, 8, MEO *, BK, 9, No Symbol, OK, 9, Snow +, BL, 10, Red Cross, OL, 10, Church ,, BM, 11, Boy Scout, OM, 11, Girl Scout -, BN, 12, Home, ON, 12, Home (HF) ., BO, 13, X, OO, 13, No Symbol /, BP, 14, Dot, OP, 14, No Symbol 0, P0, 15, Circle (0), A0, 15, No. Circle 1, P1, 16, Circle (1), A1, 16, No Symbol 2, P2, 17, Circle (2), A2, 17, No Symbol 3, P3, 18, Circle (3), A3, 18, No Symbol 4, P4, 19, Circle (4), A4, 19, No Symbol 5, P5, 20, Circle (5), A5, 20, No Symbol 6, P6, 21, Circle (6), A6, 21, No Symbol 7, P7, 22, Circle (7), A7, 22, No Symbol 8, P8, 23, Circle (8), A8, 23, No Symbol 9, P9, 24, Circle (9), A9, 24, Petrol Stn :, MR, 25, Fire, NR, 25, Hail ;, MS, 26, Campground, NS, 26, Park <, MT, 27, Motorcycle, NT, 27, Advisory =, MU, 28, Rail Eng., NU, 28, No Symbol >, MV, 29, Car, NV, 29, No. Car ?, MW, 30, File svr, NW, 30, Info Kiosk @, MX, 31, HC Future, NX, 31, Hurricane A, PA, 32, Aid Stn, AA, 32, No. Box B, PB, 33, BBS, AB, 33, Snow blwng C, PC, 34, Canoe, AC, 34, Coast G'rd D, PD, 35, No Symbol, AD, 35, Drizzle E, PE, 36, Eyeball, AE, 36, Smoke F, PF, 37, No Symbol, AF, 37, Fr'ze Rain G, PG, 38, Grid Squ., AG, 38, Snow Shwr H, PH, 39, Hotel, AH, 39, Haze I, PI, 40, Tcp/ip, AI, 40, Rain Shwr J, PJ, 41, No Symbol, AJ, 41, Lightning K, PK, 42, School, AK, 42, Kenwood L, PL, 43, No Symbol, AL, 43, Lighthouse M, PM, 44, MacAPRS, AM, 44, No Symbol N, PN, 45, NTS Stn, AN, 45, Nav Buoy O, PO, 46, Balloon, AO, 46, No Symbol P, PP, 47, Police, AP, 47, Parking Q, PQ, 48, TBD, AQ, 48, Quake R, PR, 49, Rec Veh'le, AR, 49, Restaurant S, PS, 50, Shuttle, AS, 50, Sat/Pacsat T, PT, 51, SSTV, AT, 51, T'storm U, PU, 52, Bus, AU, 52, Sunny V, PV, 53, ATV, AV, 53, VORTAC W, PW, 54, WX Service, AW, 54, No. WXS X, PX, 55, Helo, AX, 55, Pharmacy Y, PY, 56, Yacht, AY, 56, No Symbol Z, PZ, 57, WinAPRS, AZ, 57, No Symbol [, HS, 58, Jogger, DS, 58, Wall Cloud \, HT, 59, Triangle, DT, 59, No Symbol ], HU, 60, PBBS, DU, 60, No Symbol ^, HV, 61, Plane lrge, DV, 61, No. Plane _, HW, 62, WX Station, DW, 62, No. WX Stn `, HX, 63, Dish Ant., DX, 63, Rain a, LA, 64, Ambulance, SA, 64, RSGB,ARRL b, LB, 65, Bike, SB, 65, Dust blwng c, LC, 66, ICP, SC, 66, No. CivDef d, LD, 67, Garage dbl, SD, 67, DX Spot e, LE, 68, Horse, SE, 68, Sleet f, LF, 69, Fire Truck, SF, 69, Funnel Cld g, LG, 70, Glider, SG, 70, Gale h, LH, 71, Hospital, SH, 71, HAM store i, LI, 72, IOTA, SI, 72, No Symbol j, LJ, 73, Jeep, SJ, 73, WorkZone k, LK, 74, Truck, SK, 74, No Symbol l, LL, 75, No Symbol, SL, 75, Area Locns m, LM, 76, Repeater, SM, 76, Milepost n, LN, 77, Node, SN, 77, No. Triang o, LO, 78, EOC, SO, 78, Circle sm p, LP, 79, Rover, SP, 79, Part Cloud q, LQ, 80, Grid squ., SQ, 80, No Symbol r, LR, 81, Antenna, SR, 81, Restrooms s, LS, 82, Power Boat, SS, 82, No. Boat t, LT, 83, Truck Stop, ST, 83, Tornado u, LU, 84, Truck 18wh, SU, 84, No. Truck v, LV, 85, Van, SV, 85, No. Van w, LW, 86, Water Stn, SW, 86, Flooding x, LX, 87, XAPRS, SX, 87, No Symbol y, LY, 88, Yagi, SY, 88, Sky Warn z, LZ, 89, No Symbol, SZ, 89, No Symbol {, J1, 90, No Symbol, Q1, 90, Fog |, J2, 91, No Symbol, Q2, 91, No Symbol }, J3, 92, No Symbol, Q3, 92, No Symbol ~, J4, 93, No Symbol, Q4, 93, No Symbol REM The [TRANSLATE] section allows you to specify types of callsigns or REM individual callsigns that will be represented by a particular symbol, REM irrespective of what symbol they transmit, or whether they are REM transmitting a full latitude/longitude beacon, or only a locator. REM REM The "pattern matching" that can be used to specify callsign types is REM very powerful, however, normally nothing more will be required than REM to use '?' to mean "any character", and '*' to mean zero or more REM characters. REM REM The two default entries make sure that all GB7 + three letter REM stations will be shown as a BBS, and all GB7 + two letter stations REM will be shown as nodes. REM REM An example of putting an individual callsign would be - REM G8MZX=NODE [TRANSLATE] REM GB7???=BBS